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Article: The Gift We Could Never Earn - Ephesians 2:8-9

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Bible verses

The Gift We Could Never Earn - Ephesians 2:8-9

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

-Ephesians 2:8-9

Ephesians 2:8-9 is part of a larger passage where the Apostle Paul explains the transformation that believers experience through Christ. In Ephesians 2:1-3, Paul describes how humanity is spiritually dead in sin and subject to God’s wrath. But in verses 4-7, he shifts to highlight God’s incredible mercy and love, revealing that God made believers alive with Christ, raised them up, and seated them with Christ in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us that salvation is not something we can achieve through our own efforts. It is a gift from God—a gift that flows from His grace and love. We often live in a world that tells us we must earn our worth, whether through achievements, status, or good deeds. But God’s kingdom operates differently. He offers us salvation freely, based not on our performance but on His mercy and grace.

When we grasp this truth, it brings freedom. We no longer have to strive to be "good enough" or worry about whether we've done enough to please God. Instead, we can rest in the assurance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Our faith is the means by which we accept His gift and cooperate with what the Holy Spirit has stirred and changed in our heart. Letting it flow abundantly in our lives.

This understanding also transforms how we view others. Since salvation is a gift for everyone, regardless of their past or present struggles, we are reminded to extend grace, compassion, and love to others. It challenges us to stop comparing ourselves to others or feeling superior because of our "good works." Instead, we are called to be grateful and humble, knowing that we are all recipients of God’s amazing grace.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your incredible gift of grace. Help me to remember that my salvation is not about what I can do, but about what You have already done. Let this truth humble me and fill me with gratitude. May I extend the same grace to others that You have shown to me. In Jesus' name, Amen.


The lord freely offers us eternal life , and it can never be taken away . We are helpless to save ourselves . The gift of God is eternal life. If I can get prayer I have destroyed a marriage but I know as God is repairing both of us he has a plan,just my wife doesn’t believe or even want any thing to do with restoring the marriage. Looking For God to repair what I have given the locust to eat. My wife’s name is Irish . If you could also pray the lord heals the damage I’ve done to her heart.

Johnny Day

The lord freely offers us eternal life , and it can never be taken away . We are helpless to save ourselves . The gift of God is eternal life. If I can get prayer I have destroyed a marriage but I know as God is repairing both of us he has a plan,just my wife doesn’t believe or even want any thing to do with restoring the marriage. Looking For God to repair what I have given the locust to eat. My wife’s name is Irish . If you could also pray the lord heals the damage I’ve done to her heart.

Johnny Day

JD Greer said is best…“God’s grace is the power that liberates us from sin; not the reward for us having liberated ourselves.” And, Paul stated “pain is temporary and momentary.”
Heavenly Father, I pray that those in suffering know this to be true. I pray for those that have yet to open the door, to find the strength to do just that, so that they too can be liberated by Your amazing grace and receive salvation. Please provide all of us with the strength, courage, and wisdom to overcome our daily challenges, no matter how big or small and to face them with joy knowing that they are only temporary and momentary. Provide each one of us with the provisions we need to get through today, and each day moving forward; that we may not dwell in the past nor worry of the future. Provide us with your wisdom and courage to share Jesus and our own stories so Your name can be exaulted through each one of us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


I love this message about how our worth, identity, and accomplishments do not make us who we are and we are called to serve the Lord in a much bigger way that promotes his beauty, truth, and love- Our identity is how we give God glory and love in every moment

Anna Frerker

Almighty Father, SHOW me where You would have me go today; Show me what You would have me do; show me what You would have me say and to whom. You are My goal My Father, ONLY YOU. You are My Joy and Delight Lord and I Thankyou for this beautiful life You have given me. In your Son’s Beloved name I pray. Thankyou Jesus. 🙏

Helen White

Please pray for all impacted my Hurricane Helene 🌀 🙏 Could you also keep me in your prayers for healing- God’s will. I have a Severe Expiratory Dynamic Airway Collapse. Been unable to work. Dealing with Stamina issues – fatigue- inability to talk- shortness of breath. Trusting my Heavenly Father- Healer – Provider – All and all. Thank you, Blessings


#AMEN!! #THANK YOU JESUS!! #FuturePilotLife! In JESUS Mighty Name We Pray Amen!!🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️👨🏽‍✈️✈️

Josiah Daniel Naraidu

Prayers for my future husband who is struggling with his son, my stepson. Has mental health issues causing a lot of pain and heartache to our family. I ask for a prayer of strength and sanity. Thank you and god bless!

Jessica Almeida

Please Lord watch over each and every family that has lost anything in the hurricane, watch over their family’s and Lord may they be with you. Lord may they find a safe space for themselves and some food for their bodies Lord. In Jesus name Amen


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